RAISE vs RISE Learn the Difference (Video, Quiz, PDF) (2024)

The verbs raise and rise are very similar in meaning which makes them easy to confuse. I often hear non-native speakers use these two words incorrectly. I wrote this blog post after teaching this grammar to my own private students here in Japan. Now I want to help ESL students around the world master this vocabulary.

RAISE is a Transitive verb – a verb used with a direct object
“Raise your hand if you know the answer.” (your hand is the object)
RISE is an Intransitive verb – a verb used without a direct object
“Smoke wasrisingfrom the chimney.” (the intransitive verb RISE has no object

I’ve got lots more examples and explanations for you in this post. Keep reading and master this confusing English vocabulary.

RAISE vs RISE Learn the Difference (Video, Quiz, PDF) (1)
RAISEis aTransitive verbthat will be followed by a direct object
“They raised the price of gas again.” –the price of gasis the direct object of the transitive verb RAISE.
RISEis anIntransitive verbwill not be followed by a direct object
“Smoke wasrisingfrom the chimney.” – the intransitive verb RISE has no object (*from the chimney* tells us where the smoke is coming from, it is not the object of the verb.)

The verbraisehas over 12 uses, andrisehas around 15. I have chosen 2 meanings for each word, the meanings that my own English students often confuse.
Definitions and pronunciation links are fromOxfordlearnersdictionaries.com

  • RAISE meaning
  • RISE meaning
  • RAISE vs RISE – Difference
  • Can’t the words Raise and Rise also be used as nouns?
  • Conclusion – Raise vs Rise
  • Raise or Rise – Quiz
  • Printable Quiz PDF worksheet

RAISE meaning

Click for pronunciation
raiseverb① lift or move something to a higher level

  • Raiseyour hand if you know the answer.”

The verb RAISE needs someone or something to move it to a higher level. It is not lifted by itself.

② to increase the amount or level of something

  • “The store hasraisedthe price of bananas.”
RAISE vs RISE Learn the Difference (Video, Quiz, PDF) (2)
RAISE – different verb forms
InfinitiveTo raise[REIZ]
“I may haveto raisemy private class fees this year.”
Present simpleRaise[REIZ]
“We should work together andraiseawareness of the problem in our community.”
Present simple (Third-person singular)Raises[REIZ-IZ]
“The gas stationraisesits prices every month.”
Past simpleRaised[REIZD]
“The last time Iraisedmy lesson prices was 2 years ago.”
Past participleRaised[REIZD]
“This donut store hasn’traisedtheir prices, but their donuts are getting smaller.”

RISE meaning

Click for pronunciation
rise–verb① to come or go upwards; to reach a higher level or position

  • “Smoke wasrisingfrom the chimney.”

② to increase in amount or number

  • “As the price of gas continues torise, electric cars are becoming more popular.”

The verb RISEdoes notneed someone or something to move it to a higher level. It goes up by itselflike the smoke – OR we don’t know who or what caused it to increaselikethe price of gas.

RAISE vs RISE Learn the Difference (Video, Quiz, PDF) (3)
RISE – different verb forms
InfinitiveTo rise[RAIZ]
“When you make bread, the dough needsto risein a warm location.”
Present simpleRise[RAIZ]
“Global temperatures couldrisethree degrees or more in the next year.”
Present simple (Third-person singular)Rises[RAIZ-IZ]
“The price of gasrisesevery month.”
Past simpleRose[ROHZ]
“The presidentroseto power quickly.”
Past participleRisen[RIH-ZIN]
“These stock prices haverisensteadily for the past 15 years.”

RAISE vs RISE – Difference

Thekeydifference is thatriseis anintransitiveverb. What is anintransitiveverb?

  • Anintransitive verbis simply defined as a verb that does not take a direct object. There’s no word in the sentence that tells who or what received the action.


Let’s compare 2 example sentences usingraiseandriseto help us understandtransitiveverbs andintransitiveverbs.

“Universities areraisingtuition.”

~Raiseis atransitiveverb. It can take a direct object. In this sentence, thenountuition is the object. We also know who is raising tuition, universities are raising tuition.

From our first examples

①“Raiseyour handif you know the answer.”
You (the listener) should raise your hand (direct object) if you know the answer.

② “The store hasraisedthe price of bananas.”
The store acted upon the price of bananas. (direct object) They increased it.

“The cost of university isrising.”

~Riseis anintransitiveverb. ‘Rising‘ is not followed by a noun, itdoes not have adirect object.We don’t know why the cost is rising or who did it.

From our first example – ①“Smokewasrisingfrom the chimney.”
Smoke rises automatically. No one is ‘raising’ the smoke. Intransitive verbs are often followed by prepositions (from) butnot by a direct object.

② “Asthe price of gascontinues torise, electric cars are becoming more popular.”

The price of gas is increasing for several reasons, but none of these reasons are mentioned. We know that the price is increasing but we don’t know why. *In this sentence the noun electric cars is the subject of the second clause. Even though this noun follows the intransitive verb rise,it is not the direct object.

Learn more about Transitive and Intransitive verbs here:
Transitive and Intransitive verbs with PDF download

RAISE vs RISE Learn the Difference (Video, Quiz, PDF) (4)
RAISE vs RISE Learn the Difference (Video, Quiz, PDF) (5)

Modal Verbs / Can-Could-May-Might (Easy grammar) NOW with video

Can’t the words Raise and Rise also be used as nouns?

That’s a great question and the answer is yes they can be nouns. Let me give you the definitions with some common examples that you can use in your own English conversations.

raise noun – an increase in the money you are paid for the work you do

  • I’m going to ask my boss for a raise today. I have worked for this company for 3 years and I think I’ve done a good job.
  • Great news, I got a big raise yesterday at work. Today, lunch is on me.

*Note – In British English, they use the noun rise to mean the same thing.

  • I’m going to ask my boss for a rise today.

The noun rise has a few meanings.
Oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com rise_2

rise noun – ① an increase in an amount, a number or a level

  • There has been a rise in the number of violent crimes in the city over the last few years. I think it’s time to move.
  • A sudden rise in temperature is not good for my flowers.

② the act of becoming more important, successful, powerful, etc.

  • Tom Cruise’s rise to fame started when he was just 20, and he’s still a huge star today.
  • The political party’s rise to power has surprised everyone.

The noun sunrise is a compound word joining sun and rise. Sunrise is when the sun first comes to a higher level in the sky in the morning.

  • Farmers are always up at sunrise to take care of the animals and work in the fields while it’s still cool.

Conclusion – Raise vs Rise

The difference betweenraiseandriseis that rise is anintransitiveverb, and raise isintransitive. We can tell from the words that follow our verbs if they are transitive or intransitive. Transitive verbs will be followed by a noun (direct object). Intransitive verbs will be followed by apreposition, anadverb, or aperiodorcommatoend the sentenceorfinish the clause.

Watch the videobelow toreview this grammarandimprove your English listening. This video was made to help you understand this grammar easily!

Raise or Rise – Quiz

Take the quiz below to test your understanding of these easily confused verbs. You can do an interactive version of this quiz HERE. You can also download a printable PDF version to use any time offline. Other English teachers can use the quiz with their own students too. QUIZ

  1. My class is trying to _____ money for a trip to Peru next spring.
  • raise
  • rise
  1. If we want to take our business to the next level we must _____ our standards.
  • raise
  • rise
  1. The number of online scams is _____. We have to be cautious if we receive strange emails.
  • raising
  • rising
  1. Unemployment _____ by 3 percent.
  • raised
  • rose
  1. Ben is a very calm person. He never _____ his voice.
  • raises
  • rises
  1. The government is ______ taxes again!
  • raising
  • rising
  1. The river has _____ by several meters.
  • raised
  • risen

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Printable Quiz PDF worksheet

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Quiz PDF Download


RAISE vs RISE Learn the Difference (Video, Quiz, PDF) (2024)


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