Softball Rules: How To Play Softball (2024)

Softball is a variation of the sport baseball. It’s more commonly played at a recreational level and played on a pitch smaller than that of baseball. Whilst the rules are very similar there are some that differ. The sport is widely played throughout North America but there are also professional leagues played in Asia, Europe and South America.

Object of the Game

The object of softball is to hit the ball with a bat before the player tries to run around an infield with four bases. Once a player manages to get right round without being given out a run is scored. The team with the most runs at the end of the game is deemed the winner.

Players & Equipment

Each softball team has 9 players. The game takes place over 7 innings and within each innings the team will bat then field. An innings is split into two sections called the top and the bottom of the innings. The away team bats first at the top of the innings whilst the home team field, then teams switch so the home team bats at the bottom of the innings.

Pitch sizes vary in softball and are often just whatever size can be found or used at the time. The in- filed has four bases in a diamond shape. The bases are home base (where the batter stands), first base, second base and third base. Home plate can be found in the centre of the field where the pitcher must stand to throw the ball. The pitcher must throw the ball underarm and must have at least one foot on the plate at the point of delivery.

Once a batting order is set at the start of the game it cannot be changed throughout. A batsman can be given out by being caught by a fielder without the ball bouncing, missing the ball three times in which a strike is called or by being tagged by a fielder holding the ball whilst running between bases. A batsman can be walked to first base if the pitcher fails to get the ball within the strike zone 4 times without a stroke being made. The strike zone in softball is larger than that of baseball.

Teams can be mixed with men and women or with just a single sex on each team. Once a team have completed their innings then the teams switch to do the opposite role. An innings is complete when the fielding team manage to get three players out from the bating team.


To score a run the batsman must successfully first hit the ball and make it around the bases without being given out. One run is scored for every batsmen they manage to get round. A run can be scored even if the batsmen who hit the ball doesn’t make it round to home plate but manages to get a player that’s already on one of the bases home.

Winning the Game

The winners of the game will be decided after the 7 innings have all been completed. The team with most runs after 7 innings will be declared the winner. If after 7 innings the game is tied, then an extra innings will be played until a winner is found.

Rules of Softball

  • Each team consists of 9 players and teams can be of mixed gender
  • A game lasts for 7 innings and is split into two sections; the top and bottom of the innings.
  • Each team bats once in each innings before the sides switch.
  • The fielding team has a pitcher, catcher, a player on first base, second base, third base, three deep fielders and short stop.
  • A batter must successfully strike the ball and run around as many bases as possible. Once they get all the way around and back to home plate without being given out a run is scored.
  • The fielding team can prevent the batsmen by making them miss the ball, catching the ball, tagging one of the bases before they reach it or tagging the batsmen whilst they are running with the ball in hand.
  • Down the first and third base line is a foul area. Once the ball crosses this line before it bounces the ball is deemed ‘dead’ and play restarts with a new pitch.
  • A home run can be scored by hitting the ball over the outfield and into a dead ball area. The batsmen can then stroll around the bases to score along with any additional batsmen on base.
Softball Rules: How To Play Softball (2024)


What does F10 mean in softball? ›

The DP starts at the defensive position of "F10"1 - benchwarmer. This means you can swap the DP with any player other than the Flex on defense and no one has left the game; it is not a substitution. The player removed from defense continues to bat in her normal place in the batting order.

What is the 5 run rule in softball? ›

5-Run Rule: A team at-bat will end after 3 outs or 5 runs, whichever occurs first. Runners may leave the base when the pitch reaches the batter. Sliding is not required, but runners who do not slide may be called out if an umpire believes the runner interfered with a defensive player.

What is the 6 run rule in softball? ›

Playing Rules

No more than 5 runs per inning per team may be scored. Any run crossing home plate after the 5th run will not be counted in innings 1-4. Once the 6th run has been scored and play has stopped, switch sides regardless of the number of outs. The 6th inning (and only the sixth inning) is unlimited runs.

What is the 10 run rule in softball? ›

When the home team takes a lead of 10 runs, the game ends immediately after the run that establishes the double-digit lead is scored, regardless of how many other runs may have scored on the play; or the number of outs there are in the inning.

Is there a 7 run rule in softball? ›

There will be a 15 run mercy rule in effect at the end of 3 complete innings and a 12 run mercy rule after 4 complete innings, and a 10 run mercy rule after 5 complete innings each team can score a maximum of 7 runs per inning(exception: last inning is unlimited).

What does FF mean in softball? ›

Foul fly ball (caught in foul area) FF * a 3 Base safe hit.

What does R mean in softball? ›

Definition. A player is awarded a run if he crosses the plate to score his team a run.

What does SOS mean in softball? ›

In sports, strength of schedule (SOS) refers to the difficulty or ease of a team's/person's opponent as compared to other teams/persons. This is especially important if teams in a league do not play each other the same number of times.

Can you steal bases in softball? ›

Can You Steal A Base In Softball? Yes, softball players can steal bases. However, unlike baseball players, they can't take a lead-off while attempting to steal a base.

Is softball harder than baseball? ›

However, it is scientifically proven that softball is harder than baseball. The speed of pitches, the reaction time for hitters and fielders, and the distance of the field indicates that softball is indeed harder than baseball.

What is the crash rule in softball? ›

CRASH RULE: When a defensive player has the ball and the runner remains on his/her feet and deliberately crashes into the defensive player, the runner is out. The runner must attempt to avoid the defensive player in some manner. It is a dead ball. He/she may also be ejected at the discretion of the umpire.

What is a catcher in softball? ›

In baseball or softball, the catcher is the player who crouches behind home plate and catches the pitches that aren't hit by the batter. The catcher plays an important role in the game of baseball, being the person who uses hand signals to request specific pitches and heads up the team's defense.

How do you get people out in softball? ›

Putting Players Out

A batter is out if: They hit the ball and it's caught while it's in the air (even if it's caught in foul territory), gets 3 strikes.

How many balls for a walk in softball? ›

A walk (or base on balls) occurs when a pitcher throws four pitches out of the strike zone, none of which are swung at by the hitter. After refraining from swinging at four pitches out of the zone, the batter is awarded first base. In the scorebook, a walk is denoted by the letters BB.

How is the game of softball played? ›

Softball is played by two teams of 9 players each who try to score more runs than their opponent by rounding the bases and crossing home plate as many times as possible. The batting team stays up to bat until the fielding team puts out 3 batters.

Are there different rules in softball? ›

Although Baseball and Softball seem very similar there are some important differences; In Softball, the pitch is delivered underhand, the ball is larger, the field is smaller, and base runners cannot leave a base until the pitcher releases the pitch.


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