The Most Important Rules of Softball (2024)


Last updated: Jun 06, 2024

Posted by Rookie Road Staff


The Most Important Rules of Softball (1)

Softball features a wide variety of different rules that govern the game. Some of these rules are rather insignificant, only coming into play in very specific situations. However, there are also general rules that define the whole nature of the sport. Read on to learn about the top ten rules of softball.

What Are the Most Important Rules of Softball?

  1. Running the bases
  2. 3 outs per team per inning
  3. 3 strikes and you’re out
  4. 4 balls is a walk
  5. 7 innings in a game
  6. 9 players per team
  7. Pitchers must throw underhand
  8. Foul balls are softballs hit out of play
  9. Runners must stay within the base path
  10. Getting hit by a pitch means a free base

1. Running the Bases

The Most Important Rules of Softball (2)

Runners must step on each base as they advance from one to the other. Within the sport of softball, there are four bases (first base, second base, third base, and home plate). The bases also must be advanced in numerical (counter-clockwise) order and cannot be skipped around.

Only when the runner is deemed safe by the home plate umpire is the team awarded a run. Multiple runs can be scored on the same play as long as all runners have touched each base. Runners are also able to advance multiple bases on a single hit. When a player stands on a base, they are considered safe and cannot be ruled out unless they leave the base.

2. 3 Outs Per Team Per Inning

The Most Important Rules of Softball (3)

Each team is allowed three outs while at bat each inning.An inning is made up of two halves: the top half of the inning is when the away team bats, and the bottom half is when the home team bats. An out is when the opposing team catches a fly ball, tags a runner out, strikes out a batter, or throws out a runner. Each team wants to limit the number of outs they get while batting and get three outs as fast as possible while in the field.

3. 3 Strikes and You're Out

The Most Important Rules of Softball (4)

Each at-bat, a batter is allowed three strikes before they are called out. This is known as a strikeout, which is not the desired outcome for a batter. The umpire behind home plate judges whether a pitch is a strike or a ball. To be determined as a strike, a pitch must fall within the strike zone, an imaginary area over home plate between the batter’s knees and the bottom of the shoulders.

If the batter swings at any pitch thrown and does not make contact with the ball, that is automatically a strike as well. It is also a strike if the batter hits a foul ball with zero strikes or one strike. Players can strike out swinging (miss the ball, swing) or strike out looking (umpire calls strike with no swing).

4. 4 Balls Is a Walk

The Most Important Rules of Softball (5)

If the pitcher throws four balls before getting three strikes or having the batter hit the softball into play, the batter is awarded a “walk” to first base.If there is another runner already present at first base, they advance as well. Balls are pitches thrown outside of a batter’s strike zone. For pitchers, balls are never preferred, and they usually mean longer at-bats with more pitches. A walk is commonly also referred to as “base on balls.”

5. 7 Innings in a Game

The Most Important Rules of Softball (6)

There are seven full innings played in a softball game, and whichever team has the most runs at the end of the seven innings is deemed the winner.Each inning has two parts consisting of three outs each, for a total of six outs in each inning.

If the score is tied at the end of seven innings, depending on the league type, additional extra innings will be played to determine a winner.This is one of the key differences between softball and baseball, as a standard baseball game consists of nine innings.

6. 9 players Per Team

The Most Important Rules of Softball (7)

Each team is allowed nine active players per game. There are nine positions within the sport of softball, and these nine players must take up these positions.There is also a set batting order for these nine players. The order is set for each game and continuously cycles throughout the innings. Teams may have additional reserve players, which can be substituted into the lineup in case players are injured or the team needs a fresh batter.

In slowpitch softball, a common variation of the sport, there are ten active players per game.

7. Pitchers Must Throw Underhand

The Most Important Rules of Softball (8)

Unlike in baseball, pitchers in softball must throw the ball in an underhand motion, with their hand below their hip.The pitcher must, with both feet, make contact with the pitcher’s rubber prior to throwing a pitch, and no part of the wind-up can involve any stopping or forward motion.

8. Foul Balls Are Balls Hit Out of Play

The Most Important Rules of Softball (9)

Foul balls are any softballs hit out of the regulation field of play.On the right and left sides of the field, there is a foul line drawn in white chalk. Balls hit outside of this line are called foul, and runners cannot advance on these balls. If a batter hits a foul ball, they receive one strike but cannot strike out on a foul ball.

If the batter fouls a ball with two strikes, then an additional pitch is thrown, and the strike count remains the same. If a foul ball is caught without hitting the ground, the batter is out.

9. Runners Must Stay Within the Base Path

The Most Important Rules of Softball (10)

While advancing around all four bases, runners must stay within the designated base path, or they will be called out.Between each base, an imaginary straight line is drawn, and runners are allowed to run up to three feet on either side of this line (base path).

This gives players some space to avoid potential tags by fielding players while still containing them within the base path. The base path is not a set line and is created by the runner once they begin to run towards a base.

10. Getting Hit by a Pitch Means a Free Base

The Most Important Rules of Softball (11)

When a batter is hit by a ball thrown by the pitcher outside of the strike zone, they are awarded first base.It does not matter what the count is; it's an automatic base. Runners on bases also advance a base if there is a runner on the base before theirs.

Hitting a batter with a pitch is usually an accident on the side of the pitcher, but it can be seen as poor sportsmanship if it seems intentional. The batter should always try to avoid being hit by a pitch, but that is often easier said than done.


What are the rules of softball?

Each team has nine players, and games consist of seven innings. Each inning is divided into two sections: the top and the bottom. The visiting team bats in the top of each inning and the home team bats in the bottom. If a ball is hit and caught in the air without bouncing, the batter is out. Teams attempt to score more runs than their opponents by rounding the bases and crossing home plate without getting out.

What are the rules relating to pitching in softball?

Pitching in softball is done underhand, contrary to the overhand motion used in baseball.Much like baseball, the pitcher must have both feet touching the rubber prior to wind-up and delivery. The pitcher also must take a signal from the catcher or at least appear to be taking a signal while still on the rubber. One of the pitcher’s feet must be in contact with the pitching rubber at all times prior to the release of the ball.

What are the main rule differences between baseball and softball?

The main rule differences between baseball and softball are the number of innings and how the ball is thrown. Softball games consist of seven innings, while baseball games are nine innings long. This difference in innings totals makes baseball games longer and also increases the need to use more than one pitcher in any given game. Baseball pitchers are also permitted to throw overhand.This is done by choice, as throwing overhand typically results in higher velocity pitches.

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The Most Important Rules of Softball (2024)


What is the 10 rule in softball? ›


What are softball rules? ›

The batter may choose which side of the plate to hit from, but both of her feet must be inside the box. They attempts to score runs by hitting the ball when it's pitched to them. The batter may continue to hit until they: Hit the ball in fair territory, get 3 strikes, or get 4 balls.

What are 4 things every player need to know when playing softball? ›

Softball is a highly technical and psychological sport, while at the same time, is easy to pick up the basics of. Softball requires various skills to play an elevated game. The necessary skills for an athlete involved in softball are; running, catching, hitting for power, throwing, and hitting for contact.

What are the main points of softball? ›

Pitching, defense, and hitting, the three elements of softball. If you are a softball player or a coach, you have probably heard or have stressed the importance of these three elements. Under most circ*mstances, if a team can string together two of the three, they will win the softball game.

Can you steal on ball 4 in softball? ›

Runners may only advance one (1) base on a steal, passed ball, or wild pitch. Runner may steal on ball 4 (NOTE: the ball is to be in the pitchers hand, then time will be called by the umpire and the coach will come onto the field). A runner may not steal during coach pitches.

What is the 5 inning rule in softball? ›

If one team is up by eight or more runs after five or more equal innings, the plate umpire may declare the run-ahead rule. These complete innings must be played unless the home team reaches the eight-run lead while at bat — so technically, the shortest a game could go is four-and-a-half innings.

Is there a 7 run rule in softball? ›

There will be a 15 run mercy rule in effect at the end of 3 complete innings and a 12 run mercy rule after 4 complete innings, and a 10 run mercy rule after 5 complete innings each team can score a maximum of 7 runs per inning(exception: last inning is unlimited).

What is the 6 run rule in softball? ›

Playing Rules

No more than 5 runs per inning per team may be scored. Any run crossing home plate after the 5th run will not be counted in innings 1-4. Once the 6th run has been scored and play has stopped, switch sides regardless of the number of outs. The 6th inning (and only the sixth inning) is unlimited runs.

What is an illegal hit in softball? ›

ILLEGALLY BATTED BALL. An illegally batted ball occurs when the batter hits the ball fair or foul: a. While his entire foot is completely out of the batter's box, on the ground, when he makes contact with the ball. b. While any part of the batter's foot is touching home plate, when he makes contact with the ball.

Is softball harder than baseball? ›

However, it is scientifically proven that softball is harder than baseball. The speed of pitches, the reaction time for hitters and fielders, and the distance of the field indicates that softball is indeed harder than baseball.

Is catcher the hardest position in softball? ›

Generally, the pitcher, catcher, and shortstop are considered the most challenging positions due to their high levels of responsibility and the specialized skills required to play them.

Why are softballs yellow? ›

The reason behind this change was that since the pitchers' mound on a softball diamond is closer to home plate than it is on a baseball diamond — 43 feet in softball as opposed to 60 in baseball — it would be easier for a hitter to pick up a yellow colored ball as it reaches the batter's box, as compared to a white ...

How do you aim in softball? ›

Point the bat toward the pitcher to prolong contact with the ball. Your ball will go further the longer you make contact with the bat. Fully straighten your arms and quickly rotate your wrists in the direction of your swing so the bat whips forward and points back toward the pitcher.

Is there a 10 run rule in women's softball? ›

There will be a 15 run mercy rule in effect at the end of 3 complete innings and a 12 run mercy rule after 4 complete innings, and a 10 run mercy rule after 5 complete innings each team can score a maximum of 7 runs per inning(exception: last inning is unlimited).

What is the 10 run rule? ›

In international baseball competition and the World Baseball Classic (WBC), games are ended when one team is ahead by 10 runs, once at least seven completed innings are played by the trailing team.

What is position 10 in softball? ›

The outfield is the grassy area behind the infield and four players make up the outfield in slow-pitch softball: Leftfielder (7), Centerfielder (8), Rightfielder (9), and the Shortfielder-Rover (10).

What is the 10th batter in softball? ›

When play is completed on the tenth (10th) batter in an inning, the inning is over or if the 3rd out is made before play on the tenth (10th) batter is completed. If less than ten (10) batters are available, the rule becomes equivalent to the number of batters.


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